Flourish Mentorship Program

In 2022, South Asian & Tamil Women’s Collective piloted The Flourish Mentorship Program. This provided a unique and dynamic space for meaningful relationship-building among young South Asian and Tamil women and gender diverse peoples (ages of 18-25). It brought together young people across York Region and mentors across Ontario for a six-week intensive program that centered their experiences navigating inequality in the workforce, building career plans and goals, and reflections on mental health. Flourish utilized a combination of workshops, one-on-one mentorship, and virtual resource curation to support mentees and mentors to hold conversations on their shared lived experiences and identities. 

Flourish succeeded in creating space for engaging discussions on the many facets of work and well-being, while also fostering long-term relationships between mentors, mentees, and community members. We held six workshops over the course of the program with topics that included: Understanding Confidence and the Authentic Self; Navigating Expectations and Pressures; Career Mapping and Exploring Pathways; Resume and Cover Letter Writing; Skill Building and Interviewing; and Workplace Rights and Negotiating Wages. 

To learn more about our program design and approach, check out our CERIC blog 

We are currently in the process of looking for funding and sponsorships to support the re-launch of this program.